Arthur Liu
Web Developer
I love buiding web products with delightful user experiences.
As an accomplished web developer with half a decade in the trenches, my passion lies at the intersection of code, creativity, and customer experience. My academic background in Computer Science exposed me to the intricate art of UI design and interaction design, inspiring a dedication to user-centric products that continues to shape my work today.
While many see front-end development as a simpler facet of the field, I've delved deeper into this challenge over the past few years. Driven by the nuanced beauty of perfect front-end designs, I've tailored my expertise around the React technology stack, striving to convert intricate code into seamless user interfaces.
When I'm not engrossed in the world of pixels and parentheses, I'm likely to be found immersed in nature, hooked to my other passion - angling. Be it meticulously choosing the most artfully crafted lures in a tackle shop or facing off with a muskie in the quiet solitude of my kayak, I'm as much a veteran in the open waters as I am amidst lines of code.
- Established and maintained a CI/CD pipeline using GitHub Actions, enabling automatic code testing, and streamlining the deployment process.
- Implemented RESTful APIs with the backend team to develop backend services using Express.js.
- Utilized Redux Toolkit to manage global state efficiently and improve code readability.
- Constructed sophisticated data visualization components utilizing D3.js.
- Implemented performance optimizations through code splitting, lazy loading, and server-side rendering (SSR) with Next.js to enhance page load times and overall user experience.
- Architected and constructed micro-frontend architectures leveraging Webpack 5's Module Federation, enabling seamless scalability and independent deployment of individual frontend components.
- Developed and executed unit and integration tests using Jest and the React Testing Library, alongside End-to-End tests with Cypress, bolstering the application's reliability and robustness.
- Developed dynamic web pages utilizing React, Flux, and CSS3 to create engaging user interfaces.
- Contributed to the design and integration of a 3D virtual shopping experience using Three.js and Blender, providing an immersive and interactive environment for users.
- Facilitated seamless communication between the 3D virtual shopping scene and the back-end services, ensuring a smooth and responsive user experience.